Regression with XGBoost#

After a brief review of supervised regression, you’ll apply XGBoost to the regression task of predicting house prices in Ames, Iowa. You’ll learn about the two kinds of base learners that XGboost can use as its weak learners, and review how to evaluate the quality of your regression models.

Regression review#

Which of these is a regression problem?#

Here are 4 potential machine learning problems you might encounter in the wild. Pick the one that is a clear example of a regression problem.

  • Recommending a restaurant to a user given their past history of restaurant visits and reviews for a dining aggregator app.
  • Predicting which of several thousand diseases a given person is most likely to have given their symptoms.
  • Tagging an email as spam/not spam based on its content and metadata (sender, time sent, etc.).
  • Predicting the expected payout of an auto insurance claim given claim properties (car, accident type, driver prior history, etc.).
  • Well done! This is indeed an example of a regression problem.

    Objective (loss) functions and base learners#

    Decision trees as base learners#

    It’s now time to build an XGBoost model to predict house prices - not in Boston, Massachusetts, as you saw in the video, but in Ames, Iowa! This dataset of housing prices has been pre-loaded into a DataFrame called df. If you explore it in the Shell, you’ll see that there are a variety of features about the house and its location in the city.

    In this exercise, your goal is to use trees as base learners. By default, XGBoost uses trees as base learners, so you don’t have to specify that you want to use trees here with booster=“gbtree”.

    xgboost has been imported as xgb and the arrays for the features and the target are available in X and y, respectively.

  • Split df into training and testing sets, holding out 20% for testing. Use a random_state of 123.
  • Instantiate the XGBRegressor as xg_reg, using a seed of 123. Specify an objective of “reg:linear” and use 10 trees. Note: You don’t have to specify booster=“gbtree” as this is the default.
  • Fit xg_reg to the training data and predict the labels of the test set. Save the predictions in a variable called preds.
  • Compute the rmse using np.sqrt() and the mean_squared_error() function from sklearn.metrics, which has been pre-imported.
  • # edited/added
    from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
    df = pd.read_csv("archive/Extreme-Gradient-Boosting-with-XGBoost/datasets/ames_housing_trimmed_processed.csv")
    X = df.iloc[:,:-1]
    y = df.iloc[:,-1]
    # Create the training and test sets
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test= train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=123)
    # Instantiate the XGBRegressor: xg_reg
    xg_reg = xgb.XGBRegressor(objective="reg:linear", n_estimators=10, seed=123)
    # Fit the regressor to the training set, y_train)
    # Predict the labels of the test set: preds
    ## [15:32:17] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    ## XGBRegressor(n_estimators=10, seed=123)
    preds = xg_reg.predict(X_test)
    # Compute the rmse: rmse
    rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, preds))
    print("RMSE: %f" % (rmse))
    ## RMSE: 78847.401758

    Well done! Next, you’ll train an XGBoost model using linear base learners and XGBoost’s learning API. Will it perform better or worse?

    Linear base learners#

    Now that you’ve used trees as base models in XGBoost, let’s use the other kind of base model that can be used with XGBoost - a linear learner. This model, although not as commonly used in XGBoost, allows you to create a regularized linear regression using XGBoost’s powerful learning API. However, because it’s uncommon, you have to use XGBoost’s own non-scikit-learn compatible functions to build the model, such as xgb.train().

    In order to do this you must create the parameter dictionary that describes the kind of booster you want to use (similarly to how you created the dictionary in Chapter 1 when you used The key-value pair that defines the booster type (base model) you need is “booster”:“gblinear”.

    Once you’ve created the model, you can use the .train() and .predict() methods of the model just like you’ve done in the past.

    Here, the data has already been split into training and testing sets, so you can dive right into creating the DMatrix objects required by the XGBoost learning API.

  • Create two DMatrix objects - DM_train for the training set (X_train and y_train), and DM_test (X_test and y_test) for the test set.
  • Create a parameter dictionary that defines the “booster” type you will use (“gblinear”) as well as the “objective” you will minimize (“reg:linear”).
  • Train the model using xgb.train(). You have to specify arguments for the following parameters: params, dtrain, and num_boost_round. Use 5 boosting rounds.
  • Predict the labels on the test set using xg_reg.predict(), passing it DM_test. Assign to preds.
  • Hit ‘Submit Answer’ to view the RMSE!
  • # Convert the training and testing sets into DMatrixes: DM_train, DM_test
    DM_train = xgb.DMatrix(data=X_train, label=y_train)
    DM_test =  xgb.DMatrix(data=X_test, label=y_test)
    # Create the parameter dictionary: params
    params = {"booster":"gblinear", "objective":"reg:linear"}
    # Train the model: xg_reg
    xg_reg = xgb.train(params = params, dtrain=DM_train, num_boost_round=5)
    # Predict the labels of the test set: preds
    ## [15:32:18] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    preds = xg_reg.predict(DM_test)
    # Compute and print the RMSE
    rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test,preds))
    print("RMSE: %f" % (rmse))
    ## RMSE: 44331.645061

    Interesting - it looks like linear base learners performed better!

    Evaluating model quality#

    It’s now time to begin evaluating model quality.

    Here, you will compare the RMSE and MAE of a cross-validated XGBoost model on the Ames housing data. As in previous exercises, all necessary modules have been pre-loaded and the data is available in the DataFrame df.

  • Perform 4-fold cross-validation with 5 boosting rounds and “rmse” as the metric.
  • Extract and print the final boosting round RMSE.
  • # Create the DMatrix: housing_dmatrix
    housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X,label=y)
    # Create the parameter dictionary: params
    params = {"objective":"reg:linear", "max_depth":4}
    # Perform cross-validation: cv_results
    cv_results =, params=params, nfold=4, num_boost_round=5, metrics="rmse", as_pandas=True, seed=123)
    # Print cv_results
    ## [15:32:19] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    ## [15:32:19] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    ## [15:32:19] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    ## [15:32:19] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    # Extract and print final round boosting round metric
    ##    train-rmse-mean  train-rmse-std  test-rmse-mean  test-rmse-std
    ## 0    141767.488281      429.449371   142980.464844    1193.806011
    ## 1    102832.562500      322.503447   104891.398438    1223.161012
    ## 2     75872.621094      266.493573    79478.947265    1601.341377
    ## 3     57245.657226      273.633063    62411.919922    2220.151162
    ## 4     44401.291992      316.426590    51348.276367    2963.378029
    ## 4    51348.276367
    ## Name: test-rmse-mean, dtype: float64

    Now, adapt your code to compute the “mae” instead of the “rmse”.

    # Create the DMatrix: housing_dmatrix
    housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X,label=y)
    # Create the parameter dictionary: params
    params = {"objective":"reg:linear", "max_depth":4}
    # Perform cross-validation: cv_results
    cv_results =, params=params, nfold=4, num_boost_round=5, metrics="mae", as_pandas=True, seed=123)
    # Print cv_results
    ## [15:32:21] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    ## [15:32:21] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    ## [15:32:21] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    ## [15:32:21] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    # Extract and print final round boosting round metric
    ##    train-mae-mean  train-mae-std  test-mae-mean  test-mae-std
    ## 0   127343.595703     668.167771  127634.185547   2404.009753
    ## 1    89770.031250     456.980559   90122.505860   2107.916842
    ## 2    63580.782226     263.442189   64278.558594   1887.552548
    ## 3    45633.181640     151.849960   46819.175781   1459.821980
    ## 4    33587.097656      87.003217   35670.655274   1140.613227
    ## 4    35670.655274
    ## Name: test-mae-mean, dtype: float64

    Great work!

    Regularization and base learners in XGBoost#

    Using regularization in XGBoost#

    Having seen an example of l1 regularization in the video, you’ll now vary the l2 regularization penalty - also known as “lambda” - and see its effect on overall model performance on the Ames housing dataset.

  • Create your DMatrix from X and y as before.
  • Create an initial parameter dictionary specifying an “objective” of “reg:linear” and “max_depth” of 3.
  • Use inside of a for loop and systematically vary the “lambda” value by passing in the current l2 value (reg).
  • Append the “test-rmse-mean” from the last boosting round for each cross-validated xgboost model.
  • Hit ‘Submit Answer’ to view the results. What do you notice?
  • # Create the DMatrix: housing_dmatrix
    housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X, label=y)
    reg_params = [1, 10, 100]
    # Create the initial parameter dictionary for varying l2 strength: params
    params = {"objective":"reg:linear","max_depth":3}
    # Create an empty list for storing rmses as a function of l2 complexity
    rmses_l2 = []
    # Iterate over reg_params
    for reg in reg_params:
        # Update l2 strength
        params["lambda"] = reg
        # Pass this updated param dictionary into cv
        cv_results_rmse =, params=params, nfold=2, num_boost_round=5, metrics="rmse", as_pandas=True, seed=123)
        # Append best rmse (final round) to rmses_l2
    # Look at best rmse per l2 param
    ## [15:32:23] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    ## [15:32:23] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    ## [15:32:23] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    ## [15:32:23] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    ## [15:32:23] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    ## [15:32:23] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    print("Best rmse as a function of l2:")
    ## Best rmse as a function of l2:
    print(pd.DataFrame(list(zip(reg_params, rmses_l2)), columns=["l2","rmse"]))
    ##     l2          rmse
    ## 0    1  52275.355469
    ## 1   10  57746.060547
    ## 2  100  76624.617188

    Nice work! It looks like as as the value of ‘lambda’ increases, so does the RMSE.

    Visualizing individual XGBoost trees#

    Now that you’ve used XGBoost to both build and evaluate regression as well as classification models, you should get a handle on how to visually explore your models. Here, you will visualize individual trees from the fully boosted model that XGBoost creates using the entire housing dataset.

    XGBoost has a plot_tree() function that makes this type of visualization easy. Once you train a model using the XGBoost learning API, you can pass it to the plot_tree() function along with the number of trees you want to plot using the num_trees argument.

  • Create a parameter dictionary with an “objective” of “reg:linear” and a “max_depth” of 2.
  • Train the model using 10 boosting rounds and the parameter dictionary you created. Save the result in xg_reg.
  • Plot the first tree using xgb.plot_tree(). It takes in two arguments - the model (in this case, xg_reg), and num_trees, which is 0-indexed. So to plot the first tree, specify num_trees=0.
  • Plot the fifth tree.
  • Plot the last (tenth) tree sideways. To do this, specify the additional keyword argument rankdir=“LR”.
  • # edited/added
    import graphviz
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Create the DMatrix: housing_dmatrix
    housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X, label=y)
    # Create the parameter dictionary: params
    params = {"objective":"reg:linear", "max_depth":2}
    # Train the model: xg_reg
    xg_reg = xgb.train(params=params, dtrain=housing_dmatrix, num_boost_round=10)
    # Plot the first tree
    ## [15:32:25] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
    xgb.plot_tree(xg_reg, num_trees=0)
    # Plot the fifth tree
    xgb.plot_tree(xg_reg, num_trees=4)
    # Plot the last tree sideways
    xgb.plot_tree(xg_reg, num_trees=9, rankdir='LR')

    Excellent! Have a look at each of the plots. They provide insight into how the model arrived at its final decisions and what splits it made to arrive at those decisions. This allows us to identify which features are the most important in determining house price. In the next exercise, you’ll learn another way of visualizing feature importances.

    Visualizing feature importances: What features are most important in my dataset#

    Another way to visualize your XGBoost models is to examine the importance of each feature column in the original dataset within the model.

    One simple way of doing this involves counting the number of times each feature is split on across all boosting rounds (trees) in the model, and then visualizing the result as a bar graph, with the features ordered according to how many times they appear. XGBoost has a plot_importance() function that allows you to do exactly this, and you’ll get a chance to use it in this exercise!

  • Create your DMatrix from X and y as before.
  • Create a parameter dictionary with appropriate “objective” (“reg:linear”) and a “max_depth” of 4.
  • Train the model with 10 boosting rounds, exactly as you did in the previous exercise.
  • Use xgb.plot_importance() and pass in the trained model to generate the graph of feature importances.
  • # edited/added
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Create the DMatrix: housing_dmatrix
    housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X, label=y)
    # Create the parameter dictionary: params
    params = {"objective":"reg:linear", "max_depth":4}
    # Train the model: xg_reg
    xg_reg = xgb.train(params=params, dtrain=housing_dmatrix, num_boost_round=10)
    # Plot the feature importances
    ## [15:32:29] WARNING: src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.

    Brilliant! It looks like GrLivArea is the most important feature. Congratulations on completing Chapter 2!